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Posted on July 08 2019


That's right! Great styles, awesome quality, and new logos!  New MODUS and NEW 2019 LOGO. Both designs were inspired by evolution of previous styles.

When ENERGY line was designed, it was based on everything that was great about MODUS. Or rather it was based on everything great that I knew and loved about MODUS first time I bought my first shirt. Quality, fit, and minimalistic design- everything that I like about clothing in general. 

While ENERGY line is great, we wanted to make it even better.

That is why we took half of energy line and added new prints. We used our new circular 2019 logo and word MODUS. "Modus Apparel" sounds very cool and knowing what it means can make it even better! There are several translations of it, but one meaning is "mode of doing something, process". We tend to think about as "constant movement forward". This is exactly what we'd like you to think about when you think MODUS. We want this to be both impactful and meaningful! We want this logo and MODUS to continue to inspire you to train hard and pursue your fitness goals. 

Our tanks received new circular logo. And they look absolutely amazing with it!  This design is something that we are the most excited about!

Thus you have choices: either go with plain ENERGY styles or the ones with logos.


Lastly, we have our favorite  Scoop Bottom Tees with new 2019 logo. These shirts are our all time favorites, and we've been wearing them for a long time now. Here is the new line up with new logo and woven label at the bottom. 

If you remember, we cut their sleeves off when shirt shrunk dues to washing. You can read about it in "SUN's OUT, GUNs OUT" blog.